Thursday, November 6, 2014

Diary Entry

3rd of November, 2014.                                                                             Words: 167

Dear diary,
Today im going to talk about the use of steroids in sports. First of all, I'll say that I disagree with this situation. I think that they are more ways to get a muscle-body, like going to the gym or using proteins or something less dangerous than steroids.

The use of steroids are very dangerous and you dont need to run that risk. Most people that do sports  think that steroids help them to have a great succes at sport, but you can be the same good at some sport even though you dont use steroids. Just by esforcing yourself a little more.

In my opinio, and for ending, the use of steroids is for lazy people that want they muscles to grow faster and with no effort. So my mesage is: go to the gym, dont be lazy and if you want a muscle-body,   try with proteins or something less dangerous than steroids.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Correction of the article about Health issues

Alcohol in XXI century 

What is the problem of drinking alcohol? There is no problem, the problem is the excess, the other problem is that young people consumes it. This binge drinking brings a lot of risks like lose of awareness, you can throw up, have dizziness, etc.

In these days, alcohol is very common in teenayers. They are courious to know what its to drink alcohol, they believe that alcohol makes Them feel good and or they look alcohol as a way to reduce stress. These teenayers feel cool by drinking, but they dont control how much they drink and there is the bad part.

"Binge drinkers have harder time in school and they are more likely to drop out. Drinking disrupts sleep paterns, which can make it harder to stay awake and concentrste during the day". Steven Poushen said. This site makes reference to the teenayers that binge drink, to drink in excess brings problems with the studies and the school. And in the most of the cases they dont get a great success in the marks.

For ending, just and advice, if you have a friend or someone from your family that suffer a binge-drinking problem, try to help him talking to him, but in a swet way and make his self-esteem, just try to convence him to stop drinking in excess, it isn't necesary to stop drinking at all, just dont drink in excess. But if the problem still, visit a doctor or get proffesional assist. In conclusion dont drink in excess, control your self, and take care of yoursfriends. Live your life but dont mess it up.

-Dounshen, S(2013). Binge drinking

Monday, October 13, 2014

Reflexion about eating disorder

-Anorexia, Bulimia, Manorexia

First of all, we have to describe these terms: Anorexia is a disease that affects women, including eating disorders, it's a phychologic disease, they see another person in the mirrow, they think that they are obese. The next term is bulimia, that consist of people who purge and throw up their food. So this way they lose weight. The last one is manorexia, this disease is the same thing that anorexia, but it's for men.
I think that this kind of disease doesn't have to exist. The people have to love their bodies and be happy in their life, but if they want to lose weight, search for a good diet with a doctor certification and do sport, this is for obese people, but for those that are super thin medure your weight and focus on the numbers and you will se that you are realy thin.

Matias Battaglia.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

thinglink proyect


Monday, September 29, 2014

Manorexia Activity- Answer p.44

1.- Manorexia is disease that only affect the mens, this disease consist in a eating disorder, you can see it in fat people and thin people and they are the mostt of them bulimic. They think that they are overwieght. Manorexia is like Anorexia for womens.

2.- The reason of why the manorexia is on the rise is that in this days the mens want to have a good body with muscles, etc. And this is because of the stereotypes that they saw on the tv, magazine, etc. this stereotypes are always very thin people and with a lot of muscles and arround them a lot of beautiful womans, so the manorexics think that they have to be thin and staff to get succes in their life.

3.- the reason why is diffucult to identify manorexics is because no always manorexics are super thin, sometimes this disease is a little ocult because they are fat people too with manorexia and they dont demostrate it, for example you invite them to eat and icecream and they say:" no, thanks I'not hungry"
And it just pass unnoted.

4.-  the text said that manorexia in fat kids and athlete is cause a esting disorder, the athletes they try to mantain a certain weight for enhanced performance. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


1.- Where will you publish your ad? Why did you choose that source?
    I will publish it on google, because a lot of people use it.

2.- What is the message that you want to transmit?
  The message that i want to transmit is a new undestructible cellphone.

3.- who will be your target audience?
   My target audience will be mother withs babys or kids preferably, but anyone can have it.

4.-what stereotype will you use? Why will you use it? what does this stereotype represent?
  A little baby chewing a cellphone, because it represent that is undestructible.

5.-What retoric devices will you use? Ethos,Phatos or Logos.
   I will use logos and pathos. Logos because i will say the characteristics and pathos because the emotion that can be seen.

6.-What will be your slogan?
"The perfect cellphone exist"