Thursday, June 20, 2013

Conventional medicine essay

                                     THE CONVENCIONAL MEDICINE       

Convencional medicine is based in healing you by by the scuence. The alternative medicne is based on a spiritual healing and all of the process that dont include the science. We know that the convencional medicine is moe xpensive that alternative medicine, because have more research.

Alternative medicine have a lots of disanventages like limited research, its require dedication, is a very slow procces you need alot of time and isn't complety reliable. This medicine dont have anything that prove you that is going to work, sometimes dont got possitibe results and you waste your time.

The convencional medicine got a lot of advantages. First, have more research, that means that each medication is studied for months. Second, faster results and pain relief. And third got more documentation. The convencional medicine give you a lot of security and for that reason is a little expensive.

Convencional medicine is best than alternative medicine, beacause convencional medicine is more complete, like more secure results, you can be secure that you will be fine with this medicine, is like a custom, now you feel sick you go to the doctor, etc. On the other hand, The alternativve medicine, is when you dont find a result, but yu knoe that isn't 100% secure.

In my opinion convencional medicine moves the world, every day this medicine give us something new and we know that this will help us in the future or if we have an accident.

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