I'm going to explain you the best ways to have possitive results with Diana
You must buy fisrt boots and 3 potions of mana or health, its up to you. If you like harassing I recommend 2 potions of health and 1 of mana.
Then at the fisrt recall try to buy the seeker armguard, some potions and wards. Do then you have to finish your Zonyhas Hourglass at first complete item, because this item will give you alot of survival in teamfights. Remember that you are a starter and you got a hard focus andwith this itemyou got 2.5 seconds invulnerable.
Then you need to upgrade your boots into the sorceres shoes for extra mobility and the extra magic penetration. After that you have to make a nashoor's tooth to empower your passive with the extra attack speed and ap. So up to here we got the half of the build and the other 3 items taht are missing depends on your opponent, but you should alway buy the Rylai's cristal scepter for extra health, ap and the passive, that whenever you hit opponents with any of your abilitys they are slowed.
The others 2 items would be a Rabadon's Deathcap and a Warmog for a burst of ap and health.
Combo: You have to play safety untill level 6, that is when you have your combo and its like this: Q+R+E+W+Q+R+R. Remember to throw your "Q" before your "R", so you can use another "R" with no cd. But depends on the situation. if your opponent is low on health just go in with your "R"and destroy him. In teamfights focus first of anything the adc, you are an assasin so you kill it very fast. So all the combo for the adc and then try to go for the apc or the support, left the tanks for the last. You must not go for the tank first NEVER!.
1) ap = Ability power.
2)apc = Ability power carry.
4)Q, W, E, R = Your abilitys.
5)tanks = Champions with a lot of healt and armor.
6)cd = Cooldown
7)mid = Middle lane.
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