Monday, November 3, 2014

Correction of the article about Health issues

Alcohol in XXI century 

What is the problem of drinking alcohol? There is no problem, the problem is the excess, the other problem is that young people consumes it. This binge drinking brings a lot of risks like lose of awareness, you can throw up, have dizziness, etc.

In these days, alcohol is very common in teenayers. They are courious to know what its to drink alcohol, they believe that alcohol makes Them feel good and or they look alcohol as a way to reduce stress. These teenayers feel cool by drinking, but they dont control how much they drink and there is the bad part.

"Binge drinkers have harder time in school and they are more likely to drop out. Drinking disrupts sleep paterns, which can make it harder to stay awake and concentrste during the day". Steven Poushen said. This site makes reference to the teenayers that binge drink, to drink in excess brings problems with the studies and the school. And in the most of the cases they dont get a great success in the marks.

For ending, just and advice, if you have a friend or someone from your family that suffer a binge-drinking problem, try to help him talking to him, but in a swet way and make his self-esteem, just try to convence him to stop drinking in excess, it isn't necesary to stop drinking at all, just dont drink in excess. But if the problem still, visit a doctor or get proffesional assist. In conclusion dont drink in excess, control your self, and take care of yoursfriends. Live your life but dont mess it up.

-Dounshen, S(2013). Binge drinking

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